
Formula 1 (F1) Grand Prix calendar (Qualifying and Race)

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Get all the Formula One Grand Prix races in the calendar on your phone, tablet, PC or MAC. This F1 Grand prix race calendar includes the RACE, Qualifying and where applicable, the SPRINT. Sign up, Register, Connect to your calendar app(s) and all changes and future race seasons will be automatically sync'd to your device. The race time will be your local time.

There are 3 different F1 calendars available on Caltrics:
- Formula 1 (F1) Grand Prix calendar (Qualifying, Sprint, and Race)
- Formula One GPs - Practice 1, 2 and 3 or Sprint, Qualifying and Race (+testing and car launches)
- Formula One GPs - Weekends only

MotoGP calendar - There is also a MotoGP calendar available